Chile Real Estate Wire
The Chile Real Estate Wire is a new premium service we’re launching this month which is designed to keep you just as on top of the Chilean property market as I am.
Once or twice per week I’ll send out a Real Estate Wire which will be a short write up of new infrastructure projects I’ve just heard about, an undervalued property I’ve come across, or my market analysis on different parts of the central regions that aren’t being covered by any of the mainstream Chilean media.
Registration for The Chile Real Estate Wire opens at 7:00 PM EST on Thursday, December 5th, 2013. There are only 20 subscriptions available for this new premium service so please be prompt with the registration at 7:00 PM. We will be sending out a couple reminders as we get closer to the registration opening so if you'd like to be put on the waiting list, enter your name and email below.
Once or twice per week I’ll send out a Real Estate Wire which will be a short write up of new infrastructure projects I’ve just heard about, an undervalued property I’ve come across, or my market analysis on different parts of the central regions that aren’t being covered by any of the mainstream Chilean media.
Registration for The Chile Real Estate Wire opens at 7:00 PM EST on Thursday, December 5th, 2013. There are only 20 subscriptions available for this new premium service so please be prompt with the registration at 7:00 PM. We will be sending out a couple reminders as we get closer to the registration opening so if you'd like to be put on the waiting list, enter your name and email below.